Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rapid Rewriter Review

Now that Rapid Rewriter has been around fo a few months,there are literally hundres of great reviews on this articl spinning software. If you are into Internet Marketing and especially article marketing and SEO and backlinking this piece of software is absolutely brilliant.

It offers more than other article spinners.

"What Is Rapid Rewriter?"

Well, it's an article spinning software with built in article submitter.

"So What Does Rapid Rewriter Do?

Basically, it allows you to create as many articles as you like, whenever you like with the option of submitting your resulting article to article directories.

"Are The Articles Totally Unique?"

The resulting articles are indeed unique without a doubt. There are 2 ways you can achieve total
100% unique articles.

1 - Open the software and type an article right off the bat..


2 - Input an article and go through the process of changing various words and sentences in conjunction with the ready installed theasarus which will produce unique articles. The more you change, the more unique your articles become. When you have done, you can save the article template and use it over and over again, simply reload it up.

"Is Rapid Rewriter As Fast As It Claims?"

That depends on which aspect of the software you are looking at. Looking at the 2 options above, these take time either way. The more you familiarize and use the software, the quicker this part of the process will get. I'm basing this on my own personal experience. I found that the more I use it the faster I have got producing initial articles. As for the actual article spinning side of things, this all happens in a split second,very,very fast.

"What Makes This Software Any Different To Other Article Spinners Available?"

I've tested plenty of article spinners in the past and what makes Rapid Rewriter different is the fact that your finished articles make sense. Where as other spinners will change single words to produce sentences that make absolutely no sense at all, Rapid Rewriter gives you total control over which words, sentences and paragraphs are changed. You even have a say in what they are changed to ensure that your resulting article reads perfectly.

At least check out the video and see how easy it is to use Rapid Rewriter

"What Are The Main Benefits of Using Rapid Rewriter?"

I think that all depends on what you want to use it for. You can use the software to create many articles to help you get backlinks and improve your search engine rankings. You can use it to write a single article for your blog. You can use it to write a good press release. You could write a whole bunch of unique articles and sell them on. This is something I am doing at the moment with PLR articles.

It will save you some time and money in the long run and you will never run out of content for your websites or projects.If you are no good at writing articles then simply load up a plr article, go through the process of the software.You will soon realise that it will improve your article writing skills the more you use it. If you do a lot of affiliate marketing (who doesn't these days) then this is a very handy tool for covering the web 2.0 properties with original, unique content.


There were a couple of things that I discovered which are not too much to worry about but worth a mention.

The first is the submittion to articles directories module. Although this is a nice feature, it is only limited to just 5 articles directories, the main one being Ezine Articles. I would like to have seen an option to be able to manually add to this section to be able to submit to directories of your choice. I understand that there are plans to address this issue in the future.

It also has the feature of joining SEO Link Vine, Unique Article Wizard and Article Marketing Directory at a monthly fee to these companies and these will drip feed your articles to article sites and increase your backlinking to your sites.

Finally, although the software produces articles very quickly, your initial article does require the time consuming word selecting process and sentences to change and making sure everything is correct before spinning the article, but it does produce you as many new artilces as you need. What I have noticed is the more you use the software and familiarize yourself with it, you will be able to speed up this process, with adding favorite synonoms groups.

What People Won't Tell You - Not 100% Perfect!

I did notice that the software did produce a couple of spelling mistakes, but the English language is pretty tricky,this is easily rectified.

These minor problems were very easily rectified and it has only happened the one time. I would have been very surprised not to experience some sort of glitch along the way which is pretty much the norm with any software these days because nothing will ever be 100% perfect.To be perfectly honest, I haven't come across any software from any genre that hasn't encountered some type of technical glitch at some stage and I'm sure these problems are being addressed and improved on regularly.


Overall, the Rapid Rewriter software is a very handy tool. The pro's far outweigh the con's and although I did experience technical glitches, I would highly recommend you adding this Articl Marketing software to your basket. The additional features of being able to link up with SEO link Vine , Unique Article Wizard and Article Marketing Directory (at an extra monthly cost to these companies) is a great way to drip feef backlinking to your web sites. Matt has provided a huge bonus package which compliments the software perfectly. The Backlink Blueprint is a complete video course which takes you step by step getting quality backlinks and traffic with your articles, this alone is worth a lot and can't understand why he is giving this away with Rapid Rewriter.

At least get your free report on SEO Traffic Report CLICK HERE for your report.

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